Standards for the Cavellier Family Web Site

  I am always looking for new material for the web site. I welcome submissions and suggestions, but have set the following guidelines:

  1. I will not include any residential phone numbers unless specifically authorized to do so by the individual.
  2. I will not post any family tree information that includes dates and locations of living individuals unless they specifically authorize me to make it public. I will gladly post email addresses, particularly for queries and questions when requested.
  3. The preference is to provide original source data, such as transcribed Bible Records and pension files currently on the site.
  4. Newspaper clippings, articles and similar items may be posted if they don't violate copyright laws. If there is not a written permission, and I am uncomfortable with posting the content, we can place a summary on the site and provide an email link so that others may request a copy of further detail from the holder of the document.
  5. To insure the integrity of the data on the web site, any information should include the properly cited sources of that info. I know that this can be a pain and adds to the time required, but it does increase the credibility of the web site and will reduce the chances of erroneous data being promulgated.
  6. This is not a commercial site. From time to time, goods and services thought to be of value to the visitors may be suggested or a link made available. This should not be construed as an endorsement or advertisement. When requesting information from individuals, whether through this web site or another, be polite and always be willing to cover costs.
  7. This web site, while for the spread of information about the history of the Cavellier family is a private endeavor.

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This page was created by Mark Swarthout.
The last update to the page was on March 7, 2012.
Send me some information by email!